Such practices impact institutional buyers like pensions and insurers, which are often restricted to buying highly rated debt. 评级机构的这种行为对养老金和保险公司等机构投资者的影响最大,因为它们通常受到限制,只能购买高评级债券。
This tactic is used by countries such as China and big institutional investors to conceal their buying from dealers. 中国等国家以及其他大型机构投资者采用这种手段以避免交易商知晓自己的购买活动。
Institutional investors are often banned from buying physical gold, or do not want the hassle and cost of storing bullion. 机构投资者常常被禁止购买实物黄金,或者不愿承担黄金储藏的麻烦和成本。
When acting in concert, individual and institutional stockholders can have tremendous power over corporate management by selling or buying their shares to drive the price of the stock down or up. 持有股票的个人和单位如果能密切合作,可以通过抛售或买进股票来左右股票的价格,从而对公司的管理部门产生极大的影响。
Share prices in the aftermath of an IPO can come under selling pressure, especially if a strong debut deters institutional investors from buying the shares. IPO之后,股价可能遭受抛售压力,尤其是在强劲的上市令机构投资者不愿买入股票的情况下。
The game models show that institutional investors can enliven the buying and selling of stocks. 模型显示了庄家在活跃股票交易方面有积极的意义。